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Rubis Sandyport open Sunday in defiance of COVID rules

While all other service stations across New Providence are closed on Sunday in compliance with emergency orders, Rubis Sandyport is wide open in defiance of covid regulations.

According to the emergency order, gas stations are permitted to open Mondays through Saturdays from 6am to 9pm. Shell and other gas stations have put in place cones preventing persons from entering their yards on Sundays.

However, Rubis Sandyport is open every Sunday including today, putting competitor gas stations at a disadvantage.

The liquor store housed inside the service station is also open and selling liquor on this blessed Sunday while other liquor stores are closed.

Did they receive special permission from the Competent Authority to operate on Sunday or will police come and shut them down and ticket Rubis Sandyport like they did Latitudes restaurant, which actually had permission to provide in-door dining services?

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