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The Gallery

Former PM’s godchild begs for contract renewal

Months after voters rejected the Free National Movement government, Former Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis’ godchild Davinia Bain is begging the Davis Administration to keep her on as executive director of the Small Business Development Centre.

Bain’s father was in the same graduating class as Minnis at St. Augustine’s College (SAC).

Bain, who is the sister of Former FNM Senator Vianna Gardiner, has been running the SBDC as if it is financial arm of the FNM, according to government officials.

She approved millions of dollars in loans and grants to businesses owned by staunch FNM supporters while hundreds of others applicants waited months for a response that never came.

Now that a new board is in place, Bain is singing for her supper in a desperate attempt to have her contract extended under the Progressive Liberal Party government.

However, SBDC insiders claim she has been doing a poor job of running the center, whose mandate is to assist small and medium-sized businesses.

The Gallery is investigating claims that a commission was being paid for all approved applications.

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