Shanendon Cartwright, Chairman of Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority can be described as ineffective judging from the state of the island’s roadsides, parks and Botanical Gardens.
One of the island’s treasured sites, Botanical Gardens, under the Chairmanship of Greg Burrows and the PLP, could boast of being a must-see for tourists and locals alike.
What once was a manicured and well-kept attraction is now an eyesore.
This, while the Chairman presents a facade by riding around and serving ice cream.
The vision of the past chairman was realized when Botanical Gardens could be used for events and tours which featured the indigenous trees, flowers, waterfalls and garden atmosphere.
Botanical Gardens is now a rundown, over grown and broken location. The entrance, in comparison to what it was, is just an indication of what is beyond its locked gates and explains why the public no longer has access.
Cartwright must be held accountable for his inefficiency and the false image that he portrays.