An employee of Pizza Hut’s Freeport location has been infected with Covid-19 prompting the restaurant to temporarily shutdown. That person is in quarantine and is being treated for the disease.
It is unclear if the employee is one of the six people on Grand Bahama who tested positive last week.
All Pizza Hut employees who were exposed to the positive worker have been identified by the Ministry of Health and are in self-isolation.
As a safety precaution, Pizza Hut closed the restaurant, which is being sanitized by professionals and is expected to reopen on Wednesday.
Freeport is rapidly emerging as a COVID-19 hotspot with six new cases in the last week. Half of the new cases have a history of travel. One of them is a 20-year-old undocumented immigrant.
Back in April, Wendy’s Bahamas confirmed that one of its employees tested positive for coronavirus.