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The Gallery

Pintard pissing off Potters Cay Dock vendors

Despite making a big show of touring Potters Cay Dock after a late night fire ravaged several stalls, Minister of Agriculture Michael Pintard rejected a proposal by displaced vendors to hold a drive-thru steak-out on Potters Cay to raise money to rebuild the stalls destroyed by fire.

Potters Cay Dock vendors are self-employed and do not qualify for unemployment benefits.

However, instead of moving quickly to help those business owners get back on their feet, Pintard was more concerned about putting out a petty press release to respond to what he felt were misleading statements by vendors.

During an interview with the media, vendors voiced opposition to the ministry’s plan to place them in a rundown building deemed unsuitable for government workers. They said they want to be able to work in a location where their stalls are visible to potential customers.

However, their suggestion was rejected by the government which pointed out that it is government property.

The vendors are quite aware of this fact as they are threatened with that line daily despite paying rent for their spots.

Restaurant owners say Pintard is by far the worst minister to ever have responsibility for Potters Cay as his tour in the aftermath of the fire was the second time the vendors had seen him since he took over as minister.

Though Pintard doesn’t view the restoration of damaged stalls as a priority, the government sent police to harass Democratic National Alliance Leader Arinthia Komolafe and members of her party when they visited Potters Cay Dock to assist vendors.

To make matters worse, vendors claim management is threatening to close down other stalls.

“This narcissist with his sense of superiority lacks empathy and compassion. We think it's because he's used to dealing with livestock, fish and conch but doesn’t really know how to treat human beings,” said one frustrated vendor.

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