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No Graduation: COVID-19

Gallery Staff

You took the classes, you got the grades. Now it’s time to graduate. But if you’re anything like me, you still haven’t come to grips with everything that’s going on. The much anticipated year: 2020 has done nothing but disappoint us all. The economy is failing, unemployment is high and Bahamians have yet to stay home. It’s the “new normal” for the world and it's really going to take a lot of getting used to. For the graduating class of 2020, let’s just say, it was a rollercoaster... The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the educational climate tremendously, forcing the complete transition to virtual learning. For many, this change has been a serious struggle. Heavier workloads, trash WiFi and falling asleep in bed during a zoom session. Others found it much easier to manage their time, meet their deadlines and improve their grades. As a senior at the University of The Bahamas, I had my own struggles. There were mountains of work to complete, short deadlines and bed staring at me the entire time. Not to mention, the feeling of four years of hard work being taken away from you because of some “virus”.

My reality was no cap. No gown...and not to even worry about a ceremony. There was one common goal this year for all graduates: walk across the stage to receive that diploma or degree. How on earth did the world shut down right before our eyes? With more than a million cases worldwide and nearly 100 confirmed cases in The Bahamas, will this quarantine ever end? It’s something no one saw coming and it’s definitely something you couldn’t prepare for. No one had the slightest clue of the turmoil 2020 would bring. Instead, we anticipated a grand celebration for all the late nights and early mornings.

Unfortunately, this grad season will be inside, hosting your zoom celebratory party with friends, along with your favorite mixed drink. As for now, most graduates are celebrating graduation with “quarantine” grad pics to highlight their achievements. Some have managed to retrieve their regalia, get a dope outfit and have their faces beat to the gods! Yeah, I know... Quarantine where? These graduates are not allowing COVID-19 to destroy anymore of their precious memories. 2020 is like the worst nightmare and there’s so many unanswered questions: When will high school students take their National Exams? When will UB give a postponed date for graduation? Will we be on a curfew forever?

How will recent graduates find jobs? When will the country open back for business?

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