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More Our News Managers quit under Jerome Sawyer regime

The Our News network run by ZNS reject Jerome Sawyer continues to crumble before his eyes.

In the past three months, three managers have left the news network run by dictator Sawyer.

The exodus of the Our News Isralites from the Cable Bahamas run Egypt started last year with the departure of News Director Vaughnique Toote. This was followed by the abrupt departure of Production Manager Akin Barr.

Months later, and after many attempts to cope with Mad Man Dictator Sawyer's petty and incompetent style of management, news anchor and social media guru Kristina Dragovich along with top sportsman, Marcellus Hall packed up their georgey bundles and left.

The latest manager to leave is producer Tanya Cartwright. This departure took place last month and is quite shocking because Cartwight is known to be a loyal minion and close friend of Psycho Sawyer. She should have known Sawyer is a friend to no one and doesn't value his minions.

Staff at the news station say morale is at an all time low because of the petty and wicked tactics of news man Sawyer with many more managers and regular staff all set to leave the news network.

Sawyer is known to frequent many bars, get stone cold drunk and bad mouth his TV managers and the executives of Cable Bahamas.

This is definitely a show to watch to see how many more key staff will leave because of Sawyer before Chairman Franklyn Butler and his board of directors make a move on him.

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